We have dinner party every Tuesday in YADOYA Guesthouse Office. We just finished our Spring Event: Anne-Pierre Cafe, but we still keep on the dinner party!For next Tuesday(28th of June, 2011), we plan to have a Temaki Party. Temaki is Japanese Food, which is one kind of sushi. We hope it will be a special … Continue reading Temaki Night
Month: June 2011
Well after spending my Monday and Tuesday gardening my arms and legs muscles are insulting me in every languages ehehhe but it was a great exercise and working outdoor is always great fun.These are the pictures of all the bags I have manually feed with grass, branches and the garden all beautiful Monday night I went … Continue reading Soba diner, last Anne-Pierre's cafe
Well once again it is quiet getting emotional as I am getting so close to leaving Japan.But what is better than to spend such nice quality time with my friends ?On Friday our new guests offer us Himawari (sun flowers) and I was very happy because they are my favorite flowersOn Saturday evening first I had … Continue reading Last weekend in Yoyogi Park
It is very funny how you get attach to people, it is getting quiet emotional for me as it is soon the endI have come to meet so many lovely persons some I can call friends, some are more like family.For the start of my day I cleaned up the guesthouse, than I went to … Continue reading Anne-Pierre's cafe the one before the last
First on Monday one of our guest (Dave) went to Shinjuku to have himself a very nice TattooThat means Spirit ( I like it a lot) So on Tuesday I had a lot of people helping in the Kitchen and that was so much funFirst Kenta san who went shopping with me and made all evening … Continue reading Japanese Tattoo and Anne-Pierre's Cafe
Well here is a preview of the great time I had this week meeting new friends, showing them my favorite place in Tokyo and just enjoying each other company But first look how cute are the single installation for coffee isn't it really cool ?!Now a little frangrish found on a school book it is only funny … Continue reading Week at Nakano, Shibuya, Yoyogi park
3・11の震災の影響は、私たちのやどやゲストハウスでもとても大きなものでした。地震の前には、ほとんど満室の状態だったのですが、地震の日、そしてその後数日間をかけてみんな帰国をし、予約もほとんどキャンセル。The earthquake and disaster influenced YADOYA Guesthouse. We were almost fully booked before 11th March. But after the disaster many of our guests left and also we got cancellation of reservations.この影響は今でも続いており、まだ平常時には戻っていません。ただ、少しずつですがお客さんが戻ってきてくれているという事実が大きな励みです。Still dose not go back to normal, but we have more and more guests little by little. They encourage us so much!オーストラリアから来てくれたリピーターさんです。去年も滞在してくれて、また来てくれました!From Australia. He came … Continue reading やどやゲストハウスのお客様 Guests of YADOYA Guesthouse
はじめまして!ブログに初登場のkenjiです。nice to meet you,I'm Kenji.去年からやどやで働かせてもらいながら、現在も週二回やどやでお世話になっています。やどや以外の日は中野の回転寿司屋さんで働いている毎日で、今回はそのお寿司屋さんの紹介をしたいと思います。I work at Yadoya from last year.and work at sushi restaurant except yadoya day.Now I want to introduce the sushi restaurant where I work.場所は中野駅北口出てすぐのサンモール商店街の真ん中あたりです。赤い看板が目印で、店内はカウンターのみの席となっています。This sushi restaurant is located in north side of Nakano station,it's on Sunmall shopping street.回転しているお寿司を食べるのはもちろん、注文して握りたてを食べることもできます。外国のお客さんも多く来られるので、English menu があり気軽にお寿司を注文できます。We have english menu because many foreigners come to our restaurant.お寿司はもちろん、汁物にビールもあります。味は保障できます。おいしいです!僕が出勤している時に来ていただければ、”あら汁”のサービスがあるかもしれません。and we … Continue reading 中野のおいしいお寿司屋さん。~delicious “sushi” shop in Nakano.
The last cafe was again very fun, we had a mission to make it special for our Finnish friend, and also for the Belgium couple who were to leave in the morning. So Mari san was of a big help as she cook 80 % of the food.(thank you) We went shopping with Nicholas one of the Yadoya’s guest and met … Continue reading Anne-Pierre’s cafe 11/05/31
お客さんが日本のイメージの絵を!Our guest draw this picture, image of Japan! よく見ると、すごいんです。Look at this carefully, there are so much details!駅は、なぜかNot Shinjuku!I don`t know why the station is "Not Shinjuku"ビールが大好きな彼女の作品でしたー!This is our guest who draw this and she loves beer!Mari /YADOYA Guesthousehttp://www.cheap-hostel-tokyo.com/