Eric was our guest at first and now became one of YADOYA Guesthouse staff. His favorite way moving in Tokyo is by roller-skating.
Month: December 2011
Anna is a friendly girl always with a smile on her face, except when she is chasing your articles as an auditor. She is an illustrator and helps designing and decorating yadoya guesthouse as well.
Ivory is the system engineer of YADOYA. She spend most of her leisure time looking for desserts in Tokyo.
Yui is a person who has various interests. She likes to discovered new things and sometimes post interesting articles on this blog.
Alice is the manager of YADOYA Guesthouse. It's her third year in Japan, and she keeps searching for interesting places for traveling and shoping in Tokyo.
Miho is a volunteer staff in YADOYA. She comes to YADOYA to enjoy interacting with guests from all over the world on weekends.
Mari is the general manager of YADOYA. She is a backpacker who has traveled to 40 countries and now her goal is to bulid a comfortable and cheap place for staying on Tokyo.
New Year's Eve & New Year Event2011 / 12 / 31 & 2012 / 1 / 1 We have New Year's Eve & New Year Eventthis weekend.<New Year's Eve Event>31st. Nov., 2011Dinner Time: 22:30 ~ 24:00Place: YADOYA Guesthouse For Backpackers' kitchen area*Please come through from our office's front door.Fee: FREEHatsumoude(to Arai Yakushi)24:00~*Arai Yakushi is about 20minutes … Continue reading New Year's Eve & New Year Event!
クリスマスが終わって、お正月を迎えます。The end of Christmas seasons Let's celebrate New Year耶誕終曲後是新年序曲The Christmas market at Roppongi Hills六本木ヒルズで行われたクリスマス マーケット 六本木Hills的聖誕市集The illuminations in Roppongi六本木のイルミネーション六本木的耶誕燈飾Winter colours冬の足音冬天的色彩We sent our best wishes to all those who have stayed with us at YADOYA though different kinds of Japanese traditional snacks 小さい頃の思い出....来年もステキな思い出を作りましょう我們替來到YADOYA的訪客們準備小禮物,歡送2011!Did you visit TOKYO this year? A unique fusion of NEW and OLD … Continue reading 東京ならではの風景*年末の巻 ☆~TOKYO IMAGE~☆