We have one coin dinner event every Tuesday!And for this Tuesday was ↓Eel roll ! Yummy! 美味しそう~Japanese style pasta 具が多すぎて、パスタが見えなくなっ@_@As usual, lots of guests join us !ご馳走さまですNext week is Yakitori ! let's make Yakitori ourselves !来週は焼き鳥パーティー!お楽しみに~♪Please feel free to join usお気軽にご参加ください~歡迎加入我們的派對Yadoya YADOYA Guesthouse for Backpackers Tokyo:http://www.cheap-hostel-tokyo.com/*Dorm bed only 2200yen/night, Private 3,500yen~, cheapest hostel in west … Continue reading 7/24*Japanese Style Italian Dishes
Month: July 2012
We have one coin dinner event every Tuesday!And for this coming Tuesday is ↓ Yakitori Japanese chicken kebab night! This week, we are going to have Japanese chicken kebab again! we had yakitori party several times before! 3/13* Japanese chicken kebab night 焼き鳥パーティー 6/5*Yakitori Party!来週は超人気の焼き鳥パーティー!三月と六月の焼き鳥パーティーの写真: 3/13* Japanese chicken kebab night 焼き鳥パーティー 6/5*Yakitori Party!下週是烤雞串派對!! 今年我們已經舉辦了兩次,非常受到歡迎喔^^3/13* Japanese … Continue reading One coin dinner Event 7/31*Yakitori Party!
We had one coin dinner event this Tuesday!Hand made Gyoza PartyPrepare the meal!Hand made dumpling! Yummy! 美味しそう~Enjoy the party ^__^ 熱鬧上桌!As usual, lots of guests join us !ご馳走さまですNext week is Japanese style pasta and more Italian dishes^O^来週のメニューは和風パスタなどの和風イタリアン料理!お楽しみに♪就在下週!!和風義大利麵,義大利奶酪 和其他你未曾嘗過的和風義式料理!!Please feel free to join usお気軽にご参加ください~歡迎加入我們的派對Yadoya YADOYA Guesthouse for Backpackers Tokyo:http://www.cheap-hostel-tokyo.com/*Dorm bed only 2200yen/night, Private 3,500yen~, cheapest hostel in … Continue reading 7/17*GYOZA 餃子
We have one coin dinner event every Tuesday!And for this coming Tuesday is ↓Let's try Japanese style pasta and more Italian dishes 今回のメニューは和風パスタなどの和風イタリアン料理!お楽しみに♪和風義大利麵,義大利奶酪 和其他你未曾嘗過的和風義式料理!!敬請期待 Date: July 24th, 2012 7月24日(火)Dinner Time: 18:30 ~ 22:00(Open House Style)Place: YADOYA Guesthouse For Backpackers' kitchen area*Please come through from our office's front door.Fee: 500yen / each person ¥500 / 人As … Continue reading One coin dinner Event 7/24*Japanese Style Italian Dishes
Hello everyoneWelcome to Nakano!I am here already for 7month, so far, I found lots of fantastic shops and restaurants in this area. So I decide to write" Nakano series", hope to share all the good things to you!中野に来てもう七ヶ月経ちました。中央線にある中野は私の大好きな町です。中野での面白い発見をみんなに紹介したいと思います在中野的生活不知不覺已過了七個月,中野雖不像其他觀光地有名,卻充滿"東京個性"的有趣區域,身為中野住民的我將在此向大家介紹中野的魅力!review of the "Nakano series" article:中野シリーズ:中野系列文章回顧:Nakano and the shopping street "Sunmall"Nakano Adventure Philosopher Park~哲学公園巡り~ Nakano Adventure *大久保Okubo Korean Town … Continue reading Finding best food in Nakano!中野グルメ~ Taiyaki
We have one coin dinner event every Tuesday!We had party this Tuesday ↓Temaki sushi Party! Let's learn how to make hand-rolled sushi!!手巻き寿司パーティー! Enjoy the party ^__^ 熱鬧上桌!Today is Naho and Eric 's Birthday!! ^O^お誕生日おめでとう!!!As usual, lots of guests join us !ご馳走さまですNext time we are going to challenge ourselves by making dumplings!Let`s have some Gyoza!★☆★If you want … Continue reading 7/10*Temaki Sushi night
We have one coin dinner event every Tuesday!And for this coming Tuesday is ↓This time we are going to challenge ourselves by making dumplings! Let`s have some dumplings!今回はやどやのスタッフたちが手作り餃子を挑戦します!お楽しみに♪這次我們要挑戰手工水餃~~從皮到餡都是手工製成喔!!敬請期待 Date: July 17th, 2012 7月17日(火)Dinner Time: 18:30 ~ 22:00(Open House Style)Place: YADOYA Guesthouse For Backpackers' kitchen area*Please come through from our office's front door.Fee: 500yen / each … Continue reading One coin dinner Event 7/17*GYOZA 餃子
We have one coin dinner event every Tuesday! And for this coming Tuesday is ↓Temaki sushi Party! Let's learn how to make hand-rolled sushi!!手巻き寿司パーティー! Our lovely staff Mr. Kenji is going to teach us how to make hand-rolled sushi!Its a good chance to experience making sushi by yourself >O<Let's do it !今回はみんな一緒に手巻き寿司を作ってみます!好きな食材どんどんクルクル巻いてね!!!プロが教えてくれるなんて!見逃さないチャンスですよ!本週是手卷壽司! 想學手卷壽司的作法嗎? 把自己喜歡的材料全部捲進去♪想體驗的朋友們可別錯過了!Date: July 10th, … Continue reading One coin dinner Event 7/10*Temaki Sushi night