Preparing for New Year 餅つき★Making Mochi☆搗麻糬

明けましておめでとう We had a Making mochi Event in YADOYAIf you missed our event, don't be sad, you can still learn How to make Mochi through this essay.12月28日にYADOYAでは餅つきのイベントがあった。臼と杵でお餅を作るのは東京でなかなか見られない風景だね。来られなかった人もこの記事を見れば、お餅の伝統的な作り方がわかるよ~ Mari is holding a KINE(wooden mallet) in Japan, we use wooden mallet to pound steamed glutinous rice.いよいよ始める!let`s making mochi!Before steam the glutious rice ,it has to be soaked in water overnight.Put … Continue reading Preparing for New Year 餅つき★Making Mochi☆搗麻糬