Well I am once again having a fantastic time in Tokyo, I did so many fun things even with the few heavy rainy day we had.
First my Friday, we say goodbye to out British guests Fiona
Then we work very hard to first clean all the guesthouse and empty all the trash and wood from the different branch.
Saturday was a very nice day I went to walk in the mall because it was raining a lot
on my way back I found a poor baby Suzume and we fed him, took care of him until he passed away ( I made him a beautiful grave)
Then I was so happy as the Belgium couple Sandrine and Erwin were back youhou we went to the Hub in shinjuku for the happy hour then came back very happy to meet the new guests, and we had so much fun with everyone
Sunday I play the tourist guide to our Guest Bart, who only had one day in Tokyo and wanted to see the most he could in one day.
The weather was awful but we had great fun…
First Meiji Shrine
Then we went to walk to Yoyogi park who was so empty, then head for Shibuya where they were few concerts with no public
No one due to rain
We went to the salt and tabacco museum where there was a special exhibition about old Japanese Furniture it was so beautiful
After the we went for the famous cross road of Shibuya.
And by a great miracle I found the dragon I want I a Tattoo on my back
Then we walk and I finally found Condomania Yatta!!! eheheh
There label is ( Give safe sex a chance)
Then we go lost a bit in Shibuya and head for more kinky place in Shinjuku
This is a boy you can rent for 2000 yen for 90 min (he is on sell… eheeh or maybe it is just for the dog) the other are 30000 yens
They are so many and all look the same eheh
After so much hours walking we head back to Nakano with socking wet feet.
I went to diner with a very nice Japanese friend then back at the Yadoya guesthouse and meet with the rest of the clan eheh.