中野の南口にある美容院、フェリーネさんの紹介です。Hair&Make Feryne in Nakano, about 3min walk from YADOYA Guesthouse!http://www.feryne.com中野独特の路地裏にカワイイピンクの店構えです!Cute pink shop on the small street at south side of Nakano.店主の森さんはすごーくいい人です☆ もちろん、腕も抜群~!Mori-san is really nice person and he is great beautician. Our staff go for hair cut there time by time. こんな感じでとってもカワイイお店ですよ!Small but very cozy shop. If you want to have hair cut in Nakano, we … Continue reading Hair&Make Feryne in Nakano Tokyo ヘアーメイクフェリーネの紹介です。