Hello everyoneOkubo is not far from Shinjuku, only 10min. by walk.Korean culture settle down in this areaOkubo is famous for the Korean town. Since the Korean subculture become more and more popular in Japan,nowadays,lots of Japanese come here to find cheap make up and K-pop idol goods 日本にいても、まるで外国にいる雰囲気が楽しめる場所はどこですか?その一つの答えはコリア・タウン「大久保」です。日本東京有韓國街?! 何不來個日韓通吃行程? 造訪大久保,相信能滿足你對日韓流行購物的一切衝動從中野搭乘中央線(各站皆停列車),僅一站距離便可到達。恍如置身韓國首爾的街景,韓國美食將挑動你的味蕾。You can find night market here!遅いほど賑やか!毎日祭り雰囲気同樣有夜市文化的韓國,在東京夜裡當然也要熱鬧滾滾!Hotteok … Continue reading 中野に近い面白いところ*大久保Okubo Korean Town *