Hello again... Well, this was a fun-filled weekend. After volunteering at Yadoya on Saturday, I went with some friends from Yadoya to the awaodori festival in Kagurazaka. We had a great time! After this, we went to an izakaya in Shinjuku and then a few of us went for karaoke in Nakano! What a blast!Here's … Continue reading Kagurahama awaodori festival and kickin' around Tokyo!
Day: July 25, 2011
Dinner event on Tuesday!恒例の毎週火曜日のワンコインイベント。This week is:[TANUDON CURRY WITH SPECIAL RECIPE]取締役たちが作るニッポンのカレーとマルマルチキン(*英語と日本語のタイトルがめちゃめちゃ違うのは、名づけた人が違うからです。。)詳細は↓ Photos from Last week dinner! 先週のイベントの様子はこちら!Taiwanese Food!! 台湾のご飯!Itdakimasu! いただきます!More and more people came. どんどんと人が増えていきました。Mini Asahi beer got in Life supermarket! ライフでミニビールを買ってきましたよ!Some of them are Japanese, some of them are not. It`s hard to tell.日本人とそうでない人がここにはいますー。 難しいですね。。Thank you for joining us! We had a lot of Fun!来てくれた皆さんありがとうー!Then after, we … Continue reading One coin Tuesday YADOYA dinner ワンコインディナー先週と今週