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↑Recently, we have many guests are travel around Japan, like Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka… etc. And today, I want to share a very nice place which is in Gion area in Kyoto, named Gion Corner, where provide a performance that you can have an experience of Japanese culture.
↑This signboard shows what included in the performance, and the performance is for 1 hour. You can have an experience of Maiko Dance(京舞), Flower Arrangement(華道), Tea Ceremony(茶道), Japanese Harp(琴), Gagaku Court Music(雅楽), Comic Play(狂言), and Puppet Play(文楽).
↑Tea Ceremony(茶道)!
They random choose 2 people from the guests to have a green tea after she done! There are so many steps for making a tea, I actually don't know and don't understand what she was doing… Sorry…
They random choose 2 people from the guests to have a green tea after she done! There are so many steps for making a tea, I actually don't know and don't understand what she was doing… Sorry…
↑Flower Arrangement(華道) & Japanese Harp-Koto Zither(琴). There are two kinds of culture experiences in the same time, you can hear the music and see how they making a Flower arrangement. I was too far from the stage, cannot really sea how she did the flower arrangement, only enjoyed the beautiful Japanese music.
花道與日本琴,其實這兩個表演是同時進行的,在觀賞花道的同時,您還可以邊聆聽日本琴的表演。由於我當天太晚進場,位子又是自由座,因此坐在很後面的位子,雖然看不太到花道的演出(本人近視太深,眼鏡度數不太夠… 囧rz),但能聽到日本琴的表演,還蠻不錯的。
花道與日本琴,其實這兩個表演是同時進行的,在觀賞花道的同時,您還可以邊聆聽日本琴的表演。由於我當天太晚進場,位子又是自由座,因此坐在很後面的位子,雖然看不太到花道的演出(本人近視太深,眼鏡度數不太夠… 囧rz),但能聽到日本琴的表演,還蠻不錯的。
↑Gagaku Court Music(雅楽)!
Gagaku is the name of indigenous Japanese music and dance performed at imperial court, shrines, and temples. To be honest, I'm not really understand Gagaku, and the music also so different. No comment of it, but I recommend you to have watch at least once.
Gagaku is the name of indigenous Japanese music and dance performed at imperial court, shrines, and temples. To be honest, I'm not really understand Gagaku, and the music also so different. No comment of it, but I recommend you to have watch at least once.
↑Kyogen Theater(狂言) is a form of theater that porteayed life as it was in a comical manner. I have watched the same story before on TV, and it was still fun even I know the story already. I think the actors are so good, probably.
狂言,照字面翻,還真的不了解是什麼樣的表演,直到看到表演後,才了解到這是個古代搞笑劇的表演。之前在電視上就有看過,所以我知道這個故事,但親眼觀賞真的很不一樣,演員的表演誇張,還蠻有趣的就是了!只是,在全日文表演的當下,在場的觀光客們應該都有聽沒有懂吧… @@"
狂言,照字面翻,還真的不了解是什麼樣的表演,直到看到表演後,才了解到這是個古代搞笑劇的表演。之前在電視上就有看過,所以我知道這個故事,但親眼觀賞真的很不一樣,演員的表演誇張,還蠻有趣的就是了!只是,在全日文表演的當下,在場的觀光客們應該都有聽沒有懂吧… @@"
↑Kyo-mai Dance(京舞), original from Kyoto(京都). Maiko dancers are in very beautiful kimono, and have a very elegant and dazzling dance performance. The music sounds by Japanese harp, it was really nice, and I can imagine if I am on a very big Japanese meal like Kaiseki(懐石料理), and watch Maiko dancers' dance performance, it should be super wonderful! Well, I don't have the budget to have both in the same time, this show was ok for me!
京舞,我想這一幕大家應該多多少少在電視上,或是日劇裡有看過吧? 和服美人穿著美麗的和服,跳著日本舞,然後旁邊就會有些人在那邊吃懷石料理,邊吃邊欣賞,感覺就是很享受。當然,如果想體驗這種高規格待遇,Gion Corner(祇園角)外頭的祇園小街上,就有不少小店有舞妓表演, 當然價格也會比較高貴一點,但是如果您跟我一樣沒有多餘的預算,想看現場的表演,Gion Corner(祇園角)會是一個很好的選擇,很適合像我這種點到為止的觀光客。
京舞,我想這一幕大家應該多多少少在電視上,或是日劇裡有看過吧? 和服美人穿著美麗的和服,跳著日本舞,然後旁邊就會有些人在那邊吃懷石料理,邊吃邊欣賞,感覺就是很享受。當然,如果想體驗這種高規格待遇,Gion Corner(祇園角)外頭的祇園小街上,就有不少小店有舞妓表演, 當然價格也會比較高貴一點,但是如果您跟我一樣沒有多餘的預算,想看現場的表演,Gion Corner(祇園角)會是一個很好的選擇,很適合像我這種點到為止的觀光客。
↑Bunraku Puppet Play(文楽) is Japanese traditional puppet theater, it was put on UNESCO's list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2003. There were 3 people to control one medium sized doll (1 person for the right hand, 1 person for the left hand, and 1 person for the legs), and they all were in black cloths, which means we have to pretend there is no one there. They are amzing, because they controlled the doll very well, it looks like the real person moving on the stage.
↑The end of this article, I would like to share this photo with you. I took this photo on a street near Kiyomizu-dera(清水寺), it was sunset, and many people waiting there for take a picture like this. Hope you like it!
文章的最後,想跟大家分享一下我在清水寺附近的小街上拍到的夕陽照片,這是我在去Gion Corner(祇園角)的路上,看到好多人都用腳架在那邊等待,一問之下才知道大家在等夕陽… 因此我也湊熱鬧的拍了一張,自認照片很有京都的感覺,因此也想跟大家分享,也希望大家喜歡囉!
文章的最後,想跟大家分享一下我在清水寺附近的小街上拍到的夕陽照片,這是我在去Gion Corner(祇園角)的路上,看到好多人都用腳架在那邊等待,一問之下才知道大家在等夕陽… 因此我也湊熱鬧的拍了一張,自認照片很有京都的感覺,因此也想跟大家分享,也希望大家喜歡囉!
Gion Corner(祇園角)
Show time / 表演時間:
Everyday at 18:00~ & 19:00~
*Only 2 performances in one day, and they close at 20:00! / 每天都有兩場表演,展館關門時間為晚上八點。
*They have close day as well, please check on their website! / 有另外的定休日,請至Gion Corner(祇園角)的網站上查詢。
Admission fee / 入場費: 3150yen/adult
Tourist season discount / 旺季折扣:
3150yen —> 2500yen!
*July 1st to Feburary 28th, Foreigner only! / 7月1日 – 2月28日的期間內,外國人限定。
Discount Coupon / 普通折扣卷:
3150yen —> 2800yen!
*If you are not going during the Tourist season, please print out this coupon! / 如果您是在非旺季期間去的話,建議您在行前就先把優惠卷印出,否則門票將依原價費用計算。
Website / 官方網站:
*They have many languages page! / 網站上有提供多種語言,有中文也有英文,很貼心。
Everyday at 18:00~ & 19:00~
*Only 2 performances in one day, and they close at 20:00! / 每天都有兩場表演,展館關門時間為晚上八點。
*They have close day as well, please check on their website! / 有另外的定休日,請至Gion Corner(祇園角)的網站上查詢。
Admission fee / 入場費: 3150yen/adult
Tourist season discount / 旺季折扣:
3150yen —> 2500yen!
*July 1st to Feburary 28th, Foreigner only! / 7月1日 – 2月28日的期間內,外國人限定。
Discount Coupon / 普通折扣卷:
3150yen —> 2800yen!
*If you are not going during the Tourist season, please print out this coupon! / 如果您是在非旺季期間去的話,建議您在行前就先把優惠卷印出,否則門票將依原價費用計算。
Website / 官方網站:
*They have many languages page! / 網站上有提供多種語言,有中文也有英文,很貼心。
See you next time! Alice
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